Tips for success: How to be Successful in life and business.
Everyone’s got those days where they just can’t seem to find motivation. Maybe you aren’t looking forward to your workout, or have a day filled with meetings, or maybe you woke up feeling extra tired and even simple tasks seem too large. These tips will work in any area, from fitness to family, and are easy to apply to any lifestyle.
Set yourself up for success
Many people don’t succeed, or can’t find motivation because they’ve set their goals too high for that day. You know the feeling when you write out a to-do list and then feel like you didn’t do anything just because you didn’t complete it? That’s what I mean by setting yourself up. If you make a goal of running five miles and haven’t run one mile, you’re going to lack motivation when the time comes to run those five.
Setting yourself up for success means setting goals that are attainable. When you’re writing out that to-do list only write in things that you think you can accomplish in your day or your time frame. Running five miles is a great goal, but start more simply by doing a half-mile without stopping first will help build confidence to tackle all five.
Another way to set yourself up for success is to look at how you structure your day and what your daily schedule looks like. I know it’s difficult to say no to events and activities sometimes, but make sure you’re scheduling items that are the most important to you first. If running is a goal you want to accomplish, don’t push it out of your schedule because your friends want to do dinner or your office needs someone to work late. It’s okay to say no and you should, when the activity or event you’re saying yes to may not align with your personal values. If you value yourself by putting your goals first you’ll start to better yourself. In this shift you’ll start making better decisions for you and your family and will see that your choices align with your goals and values.
It might seem a little strange that exercise is a motivation tip, especially when you might be lacking motivation is this area, but exercise is very important for your mood. If you get the blood flowing at least five times a week you’ll see an increase in your productivity, your mood, and your energy. When I say get moving I mean something moderately active that gets your heart rate up. This could be power walking, or active house cleaning, something physical but not over the top. If you make it a habit of working out 5 to 7 times a week you will start to see a difference in yourself and will probably start getting more done throughout the day.
Holding yourself accountable can be difficult, especially if you’re trying to accomplish a goal on your own. That’s why it’s important to identify your main goal and then break it down into smaller goals. Taking a large goal, like running a marathon and breaking it into five smaller goals will help focus your efforts and will help build confidence to reach that large goal. This works for any goal, like opening a business, trying to increase sales, or wanting to run your household smoother.
Another way to increase accountability is to get a friend or family member to help you. This can be as simple as just telling them what you want to accomplish and why. If you want to stay off of social media for example, give your child or spouse permission to call you out if they see you on Facebook, or even allow them to take the computer away if it’s too distracting. Enlisting someone you trust to help you stay on task and accountable will remind you of your goal and why it’s important.
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Chalene I cannot even begin to express how greatful I am for you and your podcasts and periscopes! I came across you from Crystal Paine and I love Crystal but have found myself only really really hooked to you! If I am not on live for periscope I am watching you on katch or listening to your podcasts while in the car. You absolutely crack me up while giving such amazing insightful info!!! PLus you have a soft spot in my heart from being from the midwest ( I’m from IOwa). I am not as confident and good as you in speaking but i have taken that step to broadcast live on periscope and am absolutley loving it! i get quite a few replays on katch but am needing to do some work on getting them to my email list and traffic to my site. I was listening to your podcast tonight about how people listen to all these podcasts and never implement and was literally dying at your imitations and accents! HILARIOUS!!!! you don’t even know! lol. I am really thinking about checking in to hiring a filipino after your last few scopes …………truly inspiring! I really do trust you and even tho I don’t make any income at current I have faith that if I do more video and free up my time by writing the blog posts, etc. I could really focus more on content! Sorry I’m a little long winded tonight but It has been heavy on my heart to reach out to you even tho I know you may not even see this at least it makes me feel better on letting you know how huge of an impact you have made on me and even tho I am seeing no income now i have great faith in knowing if i follow and implement what you are recommending I WILL be successful! Thank you and godbless from the bottom of my heart!
I definitely agree on the exercise point. If you aren’t feeling motivated, then you can really kick your butt in gear by getting moving. I often find it very helpful to go on walks to get my creativity flowing.