My number two million-dollar mantra is: no one is responsible for your progress, or your success and missteps, except you… Now that’s actually really good news. That shouldn’t make you feel alone. Rather, it should empower you. That means, it’s up to you to ask for help. You must do the research. It’s up to you to set the goals, learn the skills, and get outside of your comfort zone to do the things that other people know they need to do. But it’s just too dang uncomfortable so they won’t do it. To do the things others will not, that part is up to you. It doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself ,but it does mean asking for help, learning the things you need to learn. Taking responsibility for your future is entirely up to you.
On You
No one’s going to ride in on a white horse with a shield to save the day. It’s up to you. You are in charge of your destiny, your education, knowledge, where you spend your energy, your mood, happiness, and beliefs. Everything is up to you. Nobody else has been commissioned with the job of changing your life. Excuse makers are my biggest pet peeve. I can’t stand it; can you hear me pulling out my hair?
There’s just nothing more annoying to me than when I meet someone who’s unhappy with their circumstances and they love to point fingers at all the people who didn’t help them and all the other people who are responsible for the position that they are in today and why they are not happy.
No one owes you anything… nobody. Not one person, except you. If you’re not happy with your circumstances, look in the mirror. Start there and move forward. Nobody cares as much about your future and your success as you. At least nobody should care more about it than you.
Point the Finger to You
So it’s up to you. Stop pointing the finger at other people or making the excuse that so and so didn’t teach me how to do this, or I didn’t have parents who sent me to college, or I never had a role model to show me how to do this. No one’s going to step in and show you how to do this. There is no manual called success. You just have to do it yourself, and the sooner you realize that, the quicker you can employ these power-based beliefs and change your life.
Dude it’s your job, it’s your responsibility. How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m a self-made millionaire” versus the number of times you’ve heard someone say, “I’m a millionaire because I inherited my money.” If you’re waiting around for someone to do something for you, good luck with that big fat excuse.
Final Thoughts on Success and Missteps Responsibility
So stop pointing at other people and assuming that you’re in your position because you didn’t have somebody supporting you or because you didn’t have a mentor or a coach, parents who could pay for education, it’s up to you. It really is. If you’re listening to this, it means you have access to technology. It probably means you have access to the internet. If you have access to the internet, you have access to everything. Don’t point a finger at anyone else when it comes to your failures or your successes. Your life is up to you and if you ask me, that’s pretty cool.
Helpful Resources:
Chalene’s Courageous Confidence Club:
This program gives you the tools you need to build confidence in every area of your life. You are supported by a group of people who are going through the program with you and are a sounding board for decisions and opportunities. This program will get you unstuck from your current situation and will teach you the steps needed to get your life in the direction you want!
Chalene’s Social Media:
That was so well said! Thanks Chalene. Your 30 Day Push has helped me tremendously. Making me think more about my PUSH goals and organizing my time. Have a blessed day!
Thank you Trish! Your comment made my day 🙂 I’m so happy 30 Day Push has helped you.
Thank you for all you do! I am in the process of changing my life. I am learning to not get wrapped up in the drama of a very negative person in my life. Your words have come at the perfect time! I am ready to hear them and learn from them!
Awesome Amy!!! Stay strong and positive girl 🙂
Amy, thank you so much for your comment! 🙂