A positive mindset is so important and so powerful. How you approach your day has the impact to change your entire life. How you view challenges is how you handle challenges. When a challenge comes your way, and you see it as an obstacle that’s going to defeat you, then you’re setting yourself up for failure.
So, today I wanted to send you a quick message. It is unbelievable how much power you have over your life, your attitude, the outcome of things just by changing your mindset, just by really concentrating on whatever it is you want to have happen.
Brian Tracy says, “The law of concentration states that whatever you dwell upon grows. The more you think about something, the more it becomes part of your reality.” If you decide that you’re in a terrible marriage, guess what your marriage will become? If you wake up and you decide you’re low on energy, and you’ve got a headache, and you feel lethargic, and you want to take a nap, you’re going to continue to feel more tired.
If you tell yourself, “I’m not going to lose weight this time. I’m going to go on this diet but I’m probably going to fall off and slip into my old, bad habits.” Or “I’m going to start this business but I’m not good at sales and I probably not be very good at this. So I’m not very good at social media and so I’ll probably fail.” Just saying those things quietly in your head…they will become true, period, end of subject.
Whatever you believe to be true, whatever you focus your attention and energy on becomes your reality. If you’re thinking to yourself that people don’t like me, people think I’m awkward, people don’t like to be around me, or I’m being judged, all of those things become your reality. How do you change it? You just start speaking to yourself in a different voice. You start focusing on the compliments people are giving you. You start focusing on the baby steps. You’ve already made progress. If you look back and notice how far you’ve come and you focus on that rather than how much further you have to go, that changes your reality.
Change your mindset and change your reality. It takes time and it takes practice. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but positive self-talk is a great practice to put in place to move yourself towards a more positive mindset. Practice saying: “I can do this, I’m doing this, I’ve got this, or I know I can do this.” As corny as you think it sounds to repeat phrases like this to yourself, if you do it will become your reality. You can do anything you set your mind to. That is the truth, I believe you can, and I know you believe it too!
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