Many people’s enthusiasm and commitment to their goals – whether they be fitness or business related – comes in waves. They might be consistent and do really well for a few weeks. But then life happens or they have a weak moment, and they end up spending a few weeks trying to get back on track again. So how do you stay motivated and stick to those healthy and productive behaviors when you’re on a roll? By making them a habit! The following “Success Reminders” will help you form better habits and stay on track to reaching any goal!
Success Reminders
1. Live to be better
When it comes to your fitness, career, your relationships, and just life in general, when we realize that we can always be better and there’s always room for improvement, that’s when we’ve figured out success! We’re striving for progress, not perfection. It’s a journey! Continually making a conscious effort to be the best version of yourself will keep you on the right track.
2. Have regularly scheduled checkups every 3 months
Now, I’m not talking about going to the doctor (although that’s important, too). What I’m talking about is really checking in with yourself. Mark it on your calendar, or set a reminder in your phone every 3 months to reassess what you’re doing and how your life is going. Are you happy with your fitness level, how you feel about yourself, what you’re doing in life, your relationships, your career?… What are you doing a good job of and what could you be doing a little better? Just check in with yourself to make sure you’re staying the right course.
3. Keep learning
The more you educate yourself on topics related to whatever it is you want to achieve, the more likely you are to stay motivated and achieve those things. Read books, listen to motivational audio programs, find ways to learn more about creating better habits. Then rinse and repeat. The more you read and listen, and the more you repeat positive behaviors, the more it sticks. Repetition creates long-term memory grooves in your brain. Keep repeating those positive acts!
4.Create accountability
Find someone, or a team of people, to help support you in your positive changes. Identifying those key people to help you stay accountable makes all the difference. Find a trainer, a coach, a mentor to guide you and cheer you on as you pursue whatever it is you want to achieve. While we might break a promise to ourselves, we’re much less likely to break a promise we’ve made to someone else. The more accountability you have the better!
5. Never give up
No matter what life throws at you – and it will throw things at you from time to time – never quit! Everyone has their ups and downs. But the common factor with people who are successful in achieving their fitness and life goals is that they get back up every single time. You can do this! Stay the course!
I love this! Because this happened to me for some 22 weeks I was doing awesome on my weightloss journey. I had unavoidable interruptions (work, fam, health) and a 2 week hiatus to get over a cold turned into cheeseburger ally. After I woke up from the French fry coma. I looked up and noticed that some of my hard work had been nibbled away… That was hard to face, 10lbs on the scale was hard to face. Now, I’m trying desperately to get my groove back. It’s proving to be harder than it seems as I got the flu that’s been passed around my fam. I have brought my good back into heathy guidelines. But, I can tell I’m not quite in the groove. I will follow this advice. And I will never give up! I have come tooo far and I want it too bad!
Awesome, Kandy. Never give up!