Be open to finding love!
Most people, even those who don’t enjoy exercise, have at least one workout they consider “tolerable.” You might even be one of those lucky people who almost enjoys exercise.
Whichever the case may be, I want you to experience something much more profound. I want you to experience love.
My goal today is to help you define what you’re looking for in a soulmate. I want you to tap into what gives you joy and makes you feel alive and then narrow down your search. Together, through a series of simple questions, you’ll understand that we can find an exercise program so well suited for you that you’ll feel addicted and beg for more! You’ll go from thinking of exercise as tolerable or even enjoyable to one that will have you flipping over backwards, head over heels in love with “your” workout.
Scoff if you must. The proof is in the numbers. I’ve been able to help millions of former couch potatoes turn into raving lunatics for exercise. And here’s the truth…I don’t care if it’s my workout, or some form of outdoor activity, or some crazy thing you invent on your own. Anyone who says there’s only one perfect exercise is only thinking of himself or herself.
When it comes to love, you’re unique and must find your own unique life partner. The same is true for your cardio workout.
So relax… Smile… Be open to finding love…
Love gives you energy. Love creates a powerful rush of endorphins. The world feels new and exciting. New love inspires you to care about yourself, your goals, the impression you’re making on others, your dress, your posture, and even your appearance. Your appetite is distracted by thoughts of planning when you’ll next be together. You feel understood. “Where have you been all my life?”
If you don’t love exercise, it just means you haven’t yet met your soulmate workout. Finding your soulmate is invaluable to your lifelong fitness success.
Don’t give up on love! Keep searching for your soul-mate workout… Approach it with an open heart…
– Your soulmate workout makes you feel you can do anything, it challenges you to never be complacent, makes you feel alive, sexy and young.
– When doing a soul-mate workout, you are surprised by how fast time passes.
– Your soulmate workout clears your mind, calms your emotions, awakens your spirit, gives you energy, creativity, and drive.
– You can’t help but endlessly talk about your soulmate workout.
– You look forward to your next workout.
Your soulmate workout is out there, waiting for you to find it… Keep searching… Keep trying new things! Because once you find it, your approach to working out will never be the same.
Here are some questions designed to help figure out what your soulmate workout is:
What do you prefer: Indoor or outdoor, group or solo, team or individual, dance or athletic, competitive or noncompetitive, high-impact or low-impact, music or silence?
The sport you enjoy the most is: ____________
What were you doing the last time you felt young and alive while exercising: ____________
What kind of music inspires you: ___________
Do you workout harder in the presence of others?
If you could go back in time and have really mastered a sport or activity, what would it be: ___________
Reread the list of replies to these questions and summarize the type of exercise or activity you might have described. Be creative, you might have to create your own.
Your going to date your workout now. Don’t worry, it’s gonna be fun. Even the worst dates teach you something about yourself. Dating workouts will add zest to your weekly routine.
So take a moment to write a list of the activities you hereby commit to “trying” in the next 7 days.
I will be your accountability partner, reply below with what activities your committing to!
Chalene….I love your programs. But I have to be honest, I can only work out at home for so long. I LOVE the atmosphere of the gym and group classes!! My soul mate work out is RPM. I love how intense it is, I love the music, I love the familiarity of the format, and I love an instructor that will hand me my ass on a platter!! I love dripping with sweat, from my nose to my finger tips….and this is the work out that pushes me to that level every time.
I have 2 soul-mate workouts. Running & yoga. I love the competitiveness of running (competing with myself, for improved pace and endurance) and it makes me feel alive and confident and super motivated. But I love yoga also because it gives me balance, peace of mind, confidence and makes me excited about the next yoga workout. I love that yoga is just about me being me and not focusing on anyone else.
Start walking 30 to 45 min daily