I told you last week how much I love pushups! I love them so much that I want to provide you with multiple variations to keep you engaged in this exercise. So this week we’re going to talk about 2 more variations of this exercise: incline and decline. Both of these variations will work slightly different muscles than the traditional and modified pushups we discussed last week. If you missed that post, click here. Remember not one variation is “better” than the other. They’re all great! I just want you to find the variation YOU’LL DO. But promise yourself you won’t just chose the easiest one! Pick the one that challenges you but feels doable.
Pushup Incline
1. Get on your knees next to a step or stair. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the step or stair. Get up on your toes.
2. Keep your body as straight as possible, with your eyes focused straight down and your neck in a neutral position.
3. Lower your chest towards the step or stair. Keep your arms close to your sides and your elbows pointing straight back.
4. Squeeze your flutes and brace your abdominals through the pushup. Do not allow your lower back to sag or your hips to pike upward during the downward phase.
This form of a pushup can be further modified by going to your knees.
Pushup Decline
1. Put your knees on a step or stair, crossing your feet at the ankles.
2. Assume the pushup position, placing your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor in front of you.
3. Slowly lower your chest towards the floor. Keep your arms close to your sides.
4. Push up, so that your arms are straight but not locked.
This form of a pushup can be progressed by going from your knees to your toes.
I hope you are starting to develop a love for pushups like me! Remember to chose the variation that you’ll do. Don’t get frustrated with yourself. You WILL get stronger!
~ Chalene
When it comes to push-ups exercises, people will always ask a question. Are daily push-ups unhealthy? The short answer is, of course, no.
If you want to improve bench press, enlarge your chest, build muscles, and even reduce weight, the push-ups will be one of the easiest ways to reach your goals.
What is push-ups?
Push-ups are an excellent bodybuilding exercise that works for several upper body muscle groups, which are in your chest, arms, shoulders, triceps, back, and neck.