Procrastination kills dreams, and it’s the number one reason people fail to achieve their goals. Excuses like, “I’m not sure what to do first,” “I don’t feel like it,” and “I just don’t have time” are completely unwarranted. Don’t let your dream life slip away simply because you kept putting it off.
It’s time to take action on your goals and put an end to procrastination for good! Write down the things you will do to take the action steps below and get to work on your goals.
Kill Procrastination – Crush Your Goals
Focus on Your Finish
Do you remember your experience learning to ride a bike? It always seemed as if the object you were most focused on NOT running into was the only thing you couldn’t avoid. I call this Destination Fixation. Our lives go where our focus lies. Our brains can’t process the negative, so focus instead on the positive. Where do you want to go? What goal do you want to achieve? From now on, rather than thinking of all the things that could go wrong or the reasons why you should put something off, focus on your finish and focus on all the positives.
Fill up your Tank
To stay focused and keep moving toward your goals, you must protect your energy and mojo. Surround yourself with people that motivate you and push you forward, and steer clear of the people that bring you down. Who or what gives you energy and fills your tank? Write down activities, people, and things that make you feel good… Then, make time to have more of these things in your life.
Use Technology to your Advantage
While technology can certainly be a distraction with things like Instagram, social media, apps, games and more available at our fingertips, we can also use it to our advantage to keep us focused and productive. Set alarms and reminders on your smartphone to keep yourself on track. What are a few things you could set a daily alarm for? What things should you be doing every day? Write them down and create alarms for each one.
Adopt a “Rightnow” Attitude
Oftentimes, when we procrastinate, we get into the “woe is me” mindset. Stop spending so much time worrying about “why not me” and make opportunities happen for yourself! Adopt a “Rightnow” attitude. When you set aside time to work on your goal, get into the habit of focusing on what’s important right now. Things will never be perfect, and the time will never be just right. So don’t be afraid to just go for it, and do it now!
If you keep putting off important tasks that bring you closer to reaching your goals, this bad habit alone could kill your dreams! Don’t let it! Quit procrastinating, follow the steps above, and take action NOW! Procrastination kills dreams if you don’t!
You are such an inspiration. I love your workout videos. I have purchased many over the years and yours is by far the best! Thank you again! I hope to meet you one day. You should visit Alaska..:))
Thanks Alicia!