There is a time and a place for multitasking. When you’re performing tasks that require little cognitive reasoning or focus go ahead, do two things at once.
It’s very likely you can talk to your mother on the phone while you load the dishwasher or change the laundry. I’m pretty sure you can ride a recumbent bike and read a newspaper article. That’s fine and a reasonable use of time.
But when it comes to getting your work done, shut out intrusions and focus!
By maintaining focus, you’ll have a better product in less time than if you try to do two things at once. Attend to the task at hand.
Create boundaries from those who might interrupt by letting them know that you’re in the middle of something. You can teach people to respect the time you have when you’re focused on your work by letting them know that as soon as you’ve finished you’ll give them your full attention!
Sometimes the biggest distractions are within your own mind. Practice blocking out thoughts that interrupt your flow. Don’t let yourself jump from topic to topic; you’ll miss details and inspiration. Sit with one thing at a time and give it your full attention and best work.
The mind can be trained to attend for longer periods of time. It takes some practice in our fast-paced world, but it’s worth the effort.
Give yourself the opportunity to do your best work by creating the space and time for focused attention and meaningful productivity.
Listen for More
We love over-delivering, so if you want to HEAR more on this the topic of multitasking, head over to this blog for a great audio!
Oh – I have to work on this one!! Guilty for multitasking things I should not. That makes me less productive. I might have to put a sign on my wall to remind me.
You know this statement speaks loud and clear. Multitasking has its place but it can be a huge distractor and can make one very unproductive.