I hear from women all the time that they struggle to tone their inner thighs, decrease belly fat, or how to get back into shape after not working out for years! I hear from women who are in great shape, but are dissatisfied with their bodies.
So I’m sharing my tips to improve your body image and increase your confidence.
No. 1 – Realize that you’re normal
Everyone struggles with this so please please please do not feel like an outsider because you need help improving your body confidence.
Have you ever searched.. how to get in shape.. or how to lose fat.. or how to lose cellulite.. or how to flatten your tummy.. or how to get a six pack.. or how to tone your thighs, then guess what! you’re just like everyone else… and most likely you’re a woman!
For some reason we think that if our body is better, then we will be better. We tie so much of our acceptance, our love, and our overall happiness to how we feel we look.
No. 2 – YOU are your best coach!
If you had a coach following you around all day that repeated the stuff you said to yourself, you would think they were the worst coach in the world! So stop talking to yourself that way! You have the impact to change your life by changing HOW you talk to yourself. Even if it doesn’t feel natural at first, I promise that positive self talk will start to feel more natural the more your do it.
- So recognize the negative thought.
- Acknowledge the potential power it has.
- Then combat it with at least 3 positive thoughts, even if you don’t fully believe what you’re saying.
No. 3 – Acknowledge the truth
Your value is not measured in body fat. Your worth is not determined by the number on the scale.
Your value is determined by what’s inside!
If you’d like me to be your confidence coach to eliminate self doubt, then I have a very special announcement! If you’ve ever doubted yourself, worried what people thought, or felt nervous to make your voice heard, this is something you’ve got to see.
I’m opening the doors to my Courageous Confidence Club at a crazy low rate to get YOU in the mindset to tackle ANY obstacle you face in 2017.
Go to getcourageousconfidence.com or click below to find out how I developed the confidence to take on any challenge…and how YOU can join Courageous Confidence Club and be unstoppable, too!
Hurry, because I’m hooking you up with a never before seen discount, and I can only keep the doors open at this rate for a very limited time. It’s your turn. This is YOUR year!
Watched this amazing video first thing this Saturday morning while enjoying my coffee and blueberries!!! I think I will watch it everyday!! Such great advice , it is such a struggle .especially as I get older(61) my body is changing so much, inside and out!!!! I am blessed that I am strong enough to lift my grand kids, sit on the floor to rough house with them, string and fit enough to run through airports to travel to spend time with my daughter also healthy enough to be enjoying the wi term in Florida, as a Canadian this is such a treat , without my health I would not be able to do this. With all these blessings I still look in the mirror and often time not happy with what I see………especially certain parts of my body! I am in control of this and 2017 is going to be my defining year. thank you for all you do. Excited to get my journals they are going to help me so much.
Fell in love with #piyo last year and became a BB coach because of you. Had an up and down kind of year and haven’t tapped into my full potential. How perfect that this video was posted for me to wake to! All week I’ve worried about how I’ll look in my bikini in 3 weeks. Who cares?! I’m stronger now than ever before and my body is capable of doing things it couldn’t do before. AND I’m about to enjoy a wonderful adventure with my soon to be husband. #selflove #gratitude
I adore you and you are a #1 for me online. I do not enjoy the submit tab while scrolling your content. I don’t believe I have ever sent a negative remark your way before! Tough to do- you’re great and very inspiring. You’re a mentor to many!! I am an English instructor, author, and mom…I gear my content toward a different audience- but regardless, will your husband care if I support that you’re always right (excepts for that tab)???!! Lol- joke…and this thank you goes to your entire team. You ALL keep people like me happy and hopeful and it is not unnoticed.
This video made me tear up. You are right, we would fire any coach or mentor if they were as negative as we are to ourselves!
“My value is not determined by how much weight I lose, or measured by how I look.”
“I have been chosen to be here at this place and time by God for a purpose”