I am beyond proud of my friend, Lewis Howes. You might remember him from The Chalene Show, episode 63 Get Over Your Past or episode 64 Your Adversity is Your Advantage; his story touched so many. He is an incredible individual and I am honored to talk about his book that just released, The School of Greatness.
8 years ago Lewis found himself sleeping on his sister’s couch with a broken arm, no college degree and no prospects. There was zero evidence in Lewis’s life that he’d be able to build a business, create a brand, have his own podcast, write his own book and meet some of the most influential people in the world. But he had a vision… to help you see and unleash the greatness inside of you.
What’s holding you back from seeing every day as an opportunity? “Everyday is a moment, and we get to choose if we step up and make the most of that moment, or are we going to let our biggest critic, our biggest hater hold us back and tell us we can’t do it” – Lewis Howes. Are you hung up on the lack of evidence to support your dream? Or maybe it’s the fear of critics, the doubters pushing back at your vision?
Your vision is powerful if you believe it’s powerful. The School of Greatness is about discovering your passion and your vision, then giving you the playbook to make it happen. It’s the 8 steps. It’s the guide to creating a vision, turning your adversity into your advantage, cultivating a champions mindset, mastering your body, how to practice positive habits, building a great team and living a life of service.
Lewis took the lessons he’s learned over the years from some of the most influential people in the world, and has written a book with practical advice, and strategies that get results.
This is about overcoming the fears, the logistics, the doubters, and the failures so that none of this continues to hold you back. The School of Greatness is the guide to helping you navigate through adversity and the things that are holding you back, so you can start to take action towards your dreams!
Get >>> The School of Greatness book
Book tour http://lewishowes.com/events/
Lewis Howes website >>> www.lewishowes.com
The School of Greatness Podcast http://lewishowes.com/blog/
Connect with Lewis
Twitter https://twitter.com/lewishowes
Facebook https://twitter.com/lewishowes
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Very awesome! I loved Lewis’s story. What a brave man. I just listened to the podcast. And Chalene, thanks for being so inspirational and for all this great material. Trying to put it all together. My goal is to achieve financial independence. Not sure where to start. So, here I am educating my self. I know I will do something, not sure how that looks like yet…
Thanks again!