I can’t stress enough the importance of surrounding yourself with great people – friends that push you to be your best and do more. Believe it or not, the people you associate with influence you. We tend to become like the people we spend the most time with. Who do you spend the most time with? Now, ask yourself this: what kind of person do you want to be? Who do you want to be around?
Who Influences You?
Did you ever notice that when you hang around certain people you tend to act a little…naughty shall we say? It might not be anything substantial, but maybe you have an extra cocktail when you’re around these people, or you allow yourself to overindulge and eat things you wouldn’t normally eat, or you slack off a little. Have you ever noticed after hanging out with someone that doesn’t honor their partner, that your attitude toward your relationship changes a bit, too?
Friends that Lift You Up
On the other hand, is there someone in your life that makes you sit up a little straighter? You feel just slightly uncomfortable around this person, but it’s only because you want to be on your best behavior and he or she pushes you to be your best. These are the kind of people you need to surround yourself with! People that make you aware of your image, how you speak, your organization…people who inspire you to work on you and make you
believe that your relationships take precedent.
Think of people in your life that are constantly filling your bucket. They give you new information and challenge you. When you surround yourself with friends like this, your life will completely change. You become more positive, driven, and focused on your priorities. THIS is who you need to be spending time with!
Filling Your Bucket
So how do you find these people? Well, it’s the law of attraction! You attract the people you want to be around by BEING the kind of person YOU want to be around. Even if you don’t feel it initially, exude the energy you want to attract.
Stop giving yourself negative labels and speak to yourself and about yourself in a more positive tone. For instance, rather than saying things like, “I’m so shy,” or “I’m just so self conscious,” or “I’m awkward around people,” focus on the positive changes you are making. Instead say, “I’m overcoming my shyness.” Speak as if you are already the person you want to be.
As you become more positive and more like the person you want to become and be around, those positive people will find their way to you. Before you know it, you’ll be surrounding yourself with friends that lift you up and distancing yourself from the people that bring you down. Remember, you’re amazing, and you’re worth it!
Want more great tips and resources on improving balance, energy, organization, health fitness, relationships, focus, faith and happiness? Each episode of my podcast, The Chalene Show is designed to give you strategies and simple steps you can implement today to become a better, more balanced, happier version of yourself. LISTEN NOW!
Hey! and did you know Build Your Tribe has been resurrected? We had so many request to revive this show, so we brought it back. Listen Now >> https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/build-your-tribe
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