Have you ever had an awesome day in regards to your nutrition? You’re denying junk food left and right! You’re making all the right choices! You’re feeling motivated! You’re feeling strong! You’re putting all the right things into your body… then all of a sudden 8 pm rolls around. Panic sets in as the irresistible cravings start to sneak up. You start to make your way to the cupboard…. Cookies, candy, popcorn, whatever it is, you must have it… right now! You start to justify it or convince yourself that you deserve it. “I ate so great today… I can have a treat. I deserve it! I only had salad and I deserve to treat myself every once and a while.” We always seem to find a way. You blackout a little… you eat it somewhat mindlessly, then find yourself overwhelmed with guilt after swallowing the last bite. Maybe your mind even goes to “I don’t deserve to be healthy… why do I even try… just eat whatever you want.” So you end up going back for more. The sweets have joined you in your pity party on the couch, and there’s no turning back now. It’s all downhill.
There’s no shame in this. We all do it. We like to pretend that we don’t. But we’ve all fallen victim to the late night cravings. So bottom line is, you’re normal. The more important part is figuring out how to keep you from falling into this trap habitually.
First I want to tell you that you ARE worthy of health. YOUR definition of health. Not Shape Magazine’s definition. YOUR definition. That means you need to get a few things right with yourself before moving forward. You are beautiful (even you men!). You are unique. Your health journey is your own, therefore it should not be compared to anyone else’s.
I hope that these tips will help you kick those sugar cravings. They are some of the hardest to overcome. But I have faith, and I know you can do it.
No. 1 – Remove Forbidden Items from your Brain
Yes, it’s great to remove unhealthy food from the fridge and pantry, however I also want you to make a conscious decision to not make ANY food “forbidden”. When we make food forbidden, there is a mental shift in how we view it. That mental shift then makes you DESIRE that food even more. However, if you give yourself permission to consume that food when you want it, YOU then take back control.
No. 2 – Eat Regularly and Balanced
If you struggle with sugar cravings, make sure you are eating balanced (carbs, protein, fats) meals every few hours or so. This helps stabilize your blood sugar. Stick to lean proteins, complex carbs with fiber, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods. They are packed with chemicals and artificial ingredients that can increase cravings!
No. 3 – Keep Healthy Options Handy
One of the BEST things I started doing was washing and prepping all my fruits and veggies right when I got home from the store. I unload all the groceries, spray the fruits and veggies with EatCleaner, then display them in the fridge at eye level, in clear containers. That way, when I open the fridge, strawberries, raspberries, apples, carrots, etc are starring me right in the face… so I am more motivated to grab it.
No. 4 – Don’t Eat when you’re Emotional
If you are in the midst of an emotional tornado, don’t eat. Allow your emotions to calm before putting food in your mouth. When we eat when we’re emotional, we train our brain to then crave food when we are effected emotionally.
No. 5 – Stay Away from Artificial Sweeteners
Eating simple carbs without the addition of proteins and fats, will give you a quick energy boost but will leave you craving more. Use an all-natural alternative, such as stevia!
No. 6 – Understand your Personal Food Boundaries
When dealing with cravings, there’s not just one approach. In my opinion, everyone should approach a craving differently. For example, one person might be able to eat a little bit of what they’re craving and that satisfies them. They’re able to consume a reasonable portion and don’t feel restricted. However, someone else might not be able to use this approach. On the alternative, one bite might send them over the edge and the flood gates open. They lose control, and end up over indulging in their craving. Everyone is different. Know your body. Know your boundaries.
No. 7 – Stay Hydrated! Drink Up!
Sometimes when you think you’re craving sugar, you’re actually just dehydrated. For my crazy amazing Lemon Ginger Water Recipe, just click here!
Great tips. My biggest issue is not eating regularly and balanced. I have th right foods in my fridge all washed and prepped with eat Cleaner which I don’t know what I did without it!! It is such a wonderful almost relaxing routine fo me now to come home and organize my produce!! However I know I am not eating enough – I am not very often hungry, which you might think is a good thing but it is not. My metabolism is running g at a snails pace…..
Excellent advise. As I repeat to myself, eat like a rabbit and exercise as if a mad commander is yelling at you to do it right.