We’ve all felt the prison of shame and guilt. When we get stuck there, our perspective on life, and the beliefs we carry about ourselves are debilitating and keep us from progressing forward positively. Our negative inner voice causes us to become less confident.
Whatever you believe about your abilities, your luck or misfortune, your opportunities, the condition of your relationships, you’re probably right! Those who believe they can lose 100 pounds, but also worry they’ll gain it back, are correct. Those who believe they can lose 100 pounds and will keep it off, are correct! It starts with what you believe.⠀
What you believe about yourself shapes the course of your life!
Once you decide to succeed, you must give up thinking like a lifelong dieter. You’ve gotta lose the dieter’s mentality! That dieter’s mentality has conditioned you to view dieting as a temporary prison sentence. You end up cheating with “bad food” and then you get judged and punished…by yourself.⠀
Bust out of the prison of shame and guilt – the one YOU built! You’re a winner. From this day forward, success is your only option.⠀
You’re the only one that can hear your inner voice…but I want to challenge you to put yourself out there. To believe in yourself so much, that you’re willing to put it in a comment.
Don’t worry…I will not tolerate judgment from others…negativity will NOT be allowed and will be deleted from the post. So take a moment and think about the challenging conversations you’ve had with that inner voice.
Make a conscious decision to put that voice to rest. That voice can only be quieted by YOUR decision to believe in YOU. I want you to believe so strongly in whatever’s in your heart, that you’re willing to shout it from the roof tops. If you’re willing to do that, below I want you to post in the comments, following this format, this is just an example (I want you to apply this example to your inner voice):⠀
If your inner voice says: “your not strong enough to do this, so just give up.”⠀I want you to post: “I believe I’m strong enough and I refuse to give up.”
I want to inspire you to be a little vulnerable and share an area of your life you want to change your self talk. Share below and support others if you see a comment you connect to. I will NOT tolerate negativity here, so don’t worry… I gotchu boo!
OH! And just a heads up, my SmartLife PUSH Journals are almost sold out, and I don’t want you to miss an opportunity to get this first edition! just click below for more details!
Fake it until you become it! Just do!
I believe I am just as competent and talented as my colleagues.