Getting things done and doing what it takes to create the life you want takes three things: a plan, a to-do list, and discipline. Anyone can create the first two, but not everyone has the discipline to follow through. Decide today that developing discipline is something you can tackle–and do it. Take some time to think about and finish the following statements regarding discipline. Put them in writing and stick to them. You’ll be amazed at how much more you accomplish.
1.) DECIDE – My moment of clarity…
Developing the discipline to do more simply starts with a decision. Write down your moment of clarity. When was it that you realized your Push Goal? Today, what will you decide to do to accomplish it?
2.) BELIEVE – I believe that I will…
What do you believe you will accomplish? What we believe and think about most becomes our reality.
3.) BEHAVE – I will behave as though…
Becoming the person you want to be has a lot to do with your behavior. If you want to be a fit person, behave as though you already are one. If you want to be a successful business owner, start behaving that way. Behaving as though you already are what you wish to become means you are taking actions that enable you to become this person.
4.) DELEGATE – I will start delegating…
You can’t do everything. So, start focusing on the things you do well and the things that only you can do. Delegate the rest.
5.) PROMISE – I promise…
What do you promise to do in order to reach your goals?
6.) TOOLS AND RESOURCES – I will immediately invest in…
What tools and resources do you need in order to accomplish your goal? What are you lacking that is holding you back from reaching your goals? Invest in it now. For instance, if you’re trying to run a business, and you’re still using a flip phone, you NEED a smartphone – just make the investment. The time you save and the increase in your level of productivity will more than make up for it.
7.) ENSURE – I will establish layers of accountability by…
You are much more likely to have the discipline to follow through on your plan when you have an accountability system in place. Find a person or group of people that will hold you accountable for your goals and check in with you to make sure you are following through.
8.) FORTIFY – I will work on my fear/obstacle by…
What fear or obstacle is holding you back? What dreaded thing do you need to tackle in order to achieve what is it that you want most? Now, create a plan to work on this. Is it therapy? Taking a public speaking course? Learning a new skill? Whatever it is that’s holding you back, take action steps to overcome it.
I am one that seems to always put a plan in motion and allow myself to fail. It has been a pattern that followed my through my 44 yrs of life. I have been restructuring my life removing items that are poor decisions like drinking pop replacing w water. I have been making the effort to work out 5 times a week. Today my new effort is to record and map a life plan of where I want my sucess to lead. I have really hit bottom and tired of failing. People don’t realize is when u fail u can only move up. Today I will move up by follow the guide above. Chalene is different on instructing she reaches a part of the person by personality and motivation that others have overlooked. Each morning I feel renew after her workouts. Today is a new place for me and I hope with her guidance I reach my goals of fitness and health.
i am SO good at creating a plan its ridiculous lol i have made so many workout plans, weight loss plans, budget plans that its pretty embarrassing that as of now i need a new one of all three lol BUT, its changing. i know in my heart that i am meant for a great life, and this month my goal is dicipline. i read once that simply not doing something “because you dont want to” is childish and immature, and being in my late 20’s i dont have that option anymore. i have loved your products for about 10 years, from the day i got my first turbo jam dvd! thank you for being such a positive role model, promoting balance in a world that promotes instant gratification and a heavily unbalanced life. thanks for bringing back my motivation!!!