When you learn to control your energy, you feel more alive! You will feel able to control your circumstances. What can you do to make sure that you are bringing your best energy into every situation and circumstance? Because what you give off determines what you get back. And what you put out into the world affects other people. You can be an energy suck, or an energy boost. You either add to situations, or subtract. Take it from me, life is much better when you put out what you want to receive in this world. You’ll attract more of what you want by BEING more of what you want. Creating better energy in your life just might change yours in unimaginable ways. And it’s not that hard to do once you understand what energy is.
Energy is Palpable
We all send off a certain vibration that’s energy. We are all cellular beings, and we all generate a certain amount of energy. You don’t have to be a psychic to feel it.
You know that awkward feeling when you walk into a room where two people were having a fight? Energy. Or what about when two people meet and there is just that spark of recognition that they will share something important? Energy. What about when someone walks into a room stressed or self-conscious? Those vibrations = energy. And you absorb those happy, sad, anxious or angry vibes whether you like it or not. It’s like little particles of that energy get sucked in with the oxygen you breathe.
Think about the energy you’re bringing into your relationships, or the workplace. Every time you walk into a room, your energy is palpable to others. What is your energy saying about you?
Creating Better Energy
We all wish we had more energy, and more uplifting energy. Our lives are crazy-busy! We want to do more and be everywhere at once. People frequently ask me, “Where do you get your energy?”
I want to make it clear, while people have different personalities, everyone can increase their levels of energy, and the type. There are strategies to your boost physical energy and stamina as well as increase your emotional energy levels.
Did you know that the most dramatic and impactful change you can make is to learn to increase your energy? It makes perfect sense. If you’re suffering from fatigue or emotional indifference, how are you going to do all those great things you want to accomplish? Boosting your energy makes everything more possible. Check out my specific tips on how to do that here.
When you learn to increase and manage your energy, you immediately feel the changes in the way people respond to you and in the opportunities you create for yourself!
So much of what we say is nonverbal. A smile is one of the best ways to show others that you’re enthusiastic, engaged and feel energetic. Many times, when people concentrate they have a sour or blank expression. Try to catch yourself if you feel yourself starting to frown when you’re working on something. It’s just a habit.
Think about the energy you want to share with those around you and change your expression to be inviting, open and optimistic. You’ll be surprised at how such a simple alteration can change so much! You know what they say, “Smile and the world smiles with you.”
Things to do Today
- Make a mental note (or better yet, journal) your energy levels (physically and emotionally) three times per day for a week. Determine when yours is best, and what influences your mood.
- Develop a strategy for changing the times and days where your energy suffers. If it’s 3 p.m. every day- check what you’re eating for lunch. Moody on the on the way to work? Ask yourself if this job is sucking you dry.
- If you find yourself short with your partner or children, sit with that. Understand how your emotions affect them, and do better. Create a fun ritual like after dinner walks, game night, or something to elevate the mood.
- Start exercising! Or change up the type, frequency and duration.
- Hone in on people who make you feel good energetically. What do they have that you don’t? Work to emulate their vibrations.
Comment below on how you create better energy in your life!
Great advice. I’m going to smile and be 100% in that moment. Be with those people, like one of us will never be there again. When I enter the presence of someone I love, I’ll consciously remember how much I do. I’ll start that way.