We talk about success all the time, but what does it really mean to be “successful”? What is YOUR definition of success? I think success means something different to everyone based on their values and the kind of life that they want to live. Success for you will look different from success for the next person. The goal is to live a life that YOU have designed and achieve success according to your own definition. If you’ve followed along with my 30 Day Challenge or PUSH, it’s time to write a new chapter on success…. to establish your own definition, examine what it really means, and use it to design the life you want to live!
Look closely at the people whom you consider successful. Don’t just look at accomplishments, money, toys, stature… look at all areas of their life. Look at how they live and the relationships they have. Now, picture YOUR ideal life. Would you be doing the things that you want to do, on your own time, with the people you want to do them with? What does success look like for you?
Create Your Own Definition of Success
To get a clearer idea, answer the following questions:
1) When it comes to my schedule I wish…
2) My favorite part of what I do is…
3) The part of what I do that makes me crazy, or the part of my job I don’t really enjoy is…
4) When I’m doing this, I don’t feel like I’m working:
5) When it comes to my schedule I wish…
6) I would be happier if I had more time to…
7) I’m sure my business would really take of if I had more time to…
8) I feel nervous or anxious when I think about…
9) I feel overwhelmed ___% of the time.
10) If I won a trillion dollars, I would spend most of my time…
11) If I never had to do this again, that would be fine with me:
12) I wish I had a better relationship with ______.
13) I’d like to be able to vacation with a clear mind ___ weeks per year.
14) If I had the money to do this, it would make everything possible….
15) When I picture myself nearly retired, I would spend the majority of my day…
16) Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on…
17) My personal life and work would feel more in balance if…
18) I feel like I’m living my purpose when I’m…
19) I know I’m making an impact on others when I can…
Now, use your answers to these questions to form your own definition of success. If you could design your ideal life, what would it look like? Use these answers to write it out and create your own measure of success.
For example, here’s mine…
“I feel excitement everyday; and I’m doing what I love to do, and mastering new things all the time, working with people I really like, and working when I want to. Work is according to my own creativity schedule and mainly from my home. I’m in charge of me and I make the deadlines. Money is abundant to have choices and do the things I love to do with enough financial security that work is a labor of love and I can have fun taking care of people I love the most. I have the freedom to honor my key priority everyday. I control my destiny, my day, my income and my happiness.“
This isn’t to say that YOUR definition should look anything like this. That’s just it! It should be your very own definition specific to you and your life. It doesn’t matter what other people are doing or achieving or how they live. All that matters is you. With this personal definition of success you can measure your success according to your priorities and design the life you truly want to live!
This is an excellent way to come to a success definition. I will be writing up my answers later for sure, thank you!
Awesome! Write them down for sure!
Hi there, just wanted to know how many calories does a person burn in one 40 minute session of Cardio Party. Another question, how long did it take Anna Rita to lose 70 pounds? I love Turbo Jam! Lots of fun with it!