People spend so much time trying to hack social media. They stress about all kinds of things, like: whether their followers have turned on notifications on Instagram, if their reach on Facebook grew from the week prior, what posts (probably some inspirational quote) to create on Pinterest, and… the madness never ends! You’re hoping your content is so interesting that it’ll send people to your opt-in page.
Follow me HERE (insert whatever platform) because it’s going to blow your mind!
It’s all just so boring, isn’t it?
It seems to me that everybody basically wants an informational. Am I right or am I right?
They can’t afford one, though, because they cost millions and millions of dollars! Heck, I had a partner to help produce mine.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why everyone wants their own infomercial…
You’re spending thirty minutes, twenty minutes, fifteen minutes and talking to people. They’re paying attention to you! They’re looking in your eyes and watching the way you move when you talk! And your style. They’re trying to figure you out, “Are you BS-ing me? Are you real? Are you legit?”
We watch and, yet, we don’t follow that product on Facebook. We don’t click to join an opt-in list. What do we do? We pick up the freaking phone and buy. Or go to our web browser and then buy.
1) Watch a video.
2) Buy.
2 steps. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Can you see where I’m going with this?
TRUTH: The LIVE VIDEO revolution has enabled you to have at your fingertips your very own infomercial.
The beauty of live video is this. You don’t have to sell and you don’t have to spend six months building an e-mail list. Building a list and building content and serving, serving, serving, serving, serving.
But, I want you to know it’s more than that. It’s mastering your message. It’s understanding who you are. It’s using live streaming video as a focus group.
You see, the difference between infomercials (been there!) and what I do now is that I’m able to reach – NO JOKE – millions of people every single day for free. Thank you, Facebook Live. Appreciate you, Instagram Live. Love you, YouTube Live.
I don’t have to be on anyone else’s schedule. No need to work with a partner. Ain’t gonna do infomercials and pray that people catch it on TV because nobody is watching TV, y’all! We’re all looking at our phones.
Live video is the real deal. Get excited because finally people are going to be able to make money without a website, without a sales page, without even really understanding what for sure they’re an expert at and how you can do that without much of a following. Pretty cool stuff.
Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried LIVE video yet! And, if not, what’s stopping you!?
I have not tried live video yet; I am worried my kids will be crazy loud- well they probably will be unless I find somewhere like my car to go live! LOL. I think I will just go for it though because it will be a fun adventure! Can’t wait to read this and grow my account!
So great. Thank you
Hi there: saw you at ALLISON Maslans LevelUP. I’d love the downloadable social marketing deck. Didn’t see it here … (but It’s probably operator error)! Lol
hey, this is what you’re referring to: Thanks for asking!