Are you one of those people who truly believe you have bad luck? Or you just don’t understand why the cards never seem in fall in your favor? So many people assume they have no control over how the cards fall. They believe they’ve tried everything possible, and when it comes down to it, success is really just a matter of luck. And successful people are simply luckier than others. Not true. You have total control over your situation and the opportunities that come your way. So, how do you spin the universe in your favor? A better attitude!
The Law of Attraction
Did you ever notice how when you walk into the bank or pick a line at the grocery store, you naturally gravitate toward the person standing tall, with shoulders back, and a bit of a smile on their face over the person slouching and looking down with a scowl? We naturally go to the person that is putting out a better attitude and positive energy.
The same is true of opportunities. When you have a good attitude, more people want to be around you and spend time with you. And when opportunities arise, you’ll be the first person they think of because of your attitude, and because you’re in front of them. You’ll build better relationships, and more of them, which means more connections, possibilities, and opportunities. Your attitude can actually attract better opportunities to you!
You Can’t Fake a Good Attitude
So what kind of attitude do you have? What kind of energy do you think you put out? Anyone can pretend to be positive and a team player, but a bad attitude really can’t be hidden for long. As soon as you are pushed, your true colors will show.
Most people don’t think they’ve got a bad attitude. But, have you ever assumed that the negative things happening in your life are a result of bad luck, or a lack of education, your upbringing, the wrong circumstances, etc.? If so, your attitude may be in need of a little tweaking. But can’t we all afford to have a little bit of a better attitude?
An Attitude Exercise
So, here’s the good news: you can change and better your attitude! How do you do that? Well, there’s a number of ways, but one of the best is by improving your confidence. Change the beliefs you have about yourself. Know that what you focus on becomes your reality. When you focus on the negative, or worry about what other people might be thinking, the negative becomes your reality and your attitude. When you focus on the positive, your confidence and attitude will improve, and your life will truly change.
So here’s an exercise for you… Think about all the positive things in your life, all of the things you’re blessed by. Now, take out a pen and piece of paper and write down at least five things you are blessed with and thankful for. If each day you begin by taking notice of all the amazing people and things of your life, you can’t help but be in a better mood, develop more confidence by appreciating all the positive aspects of your life, and improve your mood and outlook. And when you improve your attitude, you’ll attract more positive people and amazing opportunities into your life as well!
Absolutely love this post! Attitude is so important in every aspect of our lives. It has the power to build up, as well as tear down. Thank you for this!