Daily workouts are a great habit to get into! If you’re one of those rare people who doesn’t let excuses get in the way of your workouts, then good for you! However, while the majority of people struggle to motivate themselves to workout at all, some people can actually do the opposite and become obsessive about exercise. Has anyone ever told you you’re overtraining? How do you know if you’re overdoing it or if you’re doing it right?
Well, it’s actually pretty common for avid exercisers to have friends and family members make comments about the frequency with which they workout. Sometimes, your dedication to fitness can actually trigger something that makes them feel bad or guilty they aren’t working out more.
Signs You Could be Overtraining
On the other hand, many people do become addicted to exercise. If you feel any type of anger or anxiety when something prevents you from getting your workout in, you might be overdoing it. Do you have a strong emotional reaction when you can’t work out? Do you skip out on important family or social obligations or go to extremes to avoid situations that might interfere with your exercise? If so, you may need to take a step back and listen to your body. It will tell you when you’re overtraining. Some signs include restlessness, sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, and even pain in your muscles and joints.
Now, I completely understand that your workouts make you feel good! I know I’m a much nicer person when I workout! After all, exercise gives you mood-boosting endorphins! But, it’s also important for your body to rest. When you rest, you allow your muscles to heel and build up even stronger, and you get better results. So if you really need to get some activity in to feel good even on your rest days, do something light like going for a walk to get your blood flowing and get some fresh air.
Overall, the most important thing to remember is to listen to your body. Pay attention to the way you feel and watch for emotional triggers related to your workouts. As with anything, it’s important to strike a healthy balance. So when it comes to overdoing it or doing it right, the best thing you can do is listen to your body and take good care of it!
I just started working out regularly by joining a gym at the beginning of September. Of course I supplement time at the gym with the various Turbo Jam workouts 😀 Thank you for the perspective on balance when exercising!
Thanks Janet!
Hi Chalene! I do Chalean Extreme in the morning and Turbofire at night and only have one day off a week. Am I over doing it? I want to get results quickly so I thought this would be the best approach 🙂 thank you XOXO
Hi JoJo! I can’t say for sure what will work in your situation since everyone differs in what works best for their body and fitness level, but as long as you aren’t feeling any strains and are getting enough rest and stretching, you should be fine!
I have to do more stretching I lack in that department :/ Thank you for your time 🙂
I am in the Push phase with the last two workouts to do. I am gaining weight instead of losing. I am not following the nutrition diet. I am following the Paleo diet. I’ve done weight watchers with success but I’ve been trying yo lose this 9 pounds for some time. I’m working through the 30 day push program now. Hoping to understand my priorities, organize my life and obtain my goals. My measurements have changed but nothing to be excited about.
Hi Kathleen! Sometimes when you begin a weight training program, you will see an increase on the scale because you are increasing muscle mass. However, you will notice that your clothes are fitting loser. Have you taken your measurements or do you feel a little leaner? Also, nutrition is key, so you might consider using that meal plan that comes with the program. Keep at it – it will come!