Here are my 7 tips to lose weight this week! Yes! It’s possible! You don’t have to do all of these things, but they give you options!
I don’t want your weight to control you, but these tips will help you take back control of the bad lifestyle habits you’ve developed.
Though I am not a big supporter of words like quick, fast, or rapid when it comes to weight loss, I do think that there ARE certain “quick fixes” that can help to re-set your mentality and get you on the right track to health.
TIP 1: Drink MORE water
I used to have a horrible diet soda addiction… like horrible; and one of the things that helped me was to substitute the diet coke with lemon, ginger, cayenne water.
To get myself in the habit of drinking more water, I bought 4 insulated bottles and made sure that I drank it all by the end of the day.
Generally you want to consume approximately 75% of your body weight in water.
TIP 2: Close the Kitchen
Set a time in which the kitchen is CLOSED! It’s crazy amazing how flat your stomach will be if you don’t eat a few hours before you go to bed.
TIP 3: Cycling your Macronutrients
On your heaviest training days, eat complex carbohydrates. But take note, that on your higher carb days, you want to have lower fat.
So for example, 2 days of a higher intake of complex carbs, followed by 2 days of eating less carbs more protein and more fat. For more details on this, listen to the episode!
TIP 4: Use Smaller Plates
This will work with your brain to help you not eat as much. Weight gain isn’t just about what you eat, it’s also about how much you eat! You need to do a better job of portion control and that starts with what you’re putting your food on.
TIP 5: What is your Nemesis
What is that trigger food? The food you mindlessly eat? The food you have no control over? STOP BUYING IT!!! Throw it away! Stop putting it in your life.
TIP 6: 3 Day Cleanse
Ok, hear me out. Look this is not a permanent solution. But it can spark your motivation to get on the right track. Cleanses often help you tap into your emotional reactions to food. Please make sure you check with your physician first.
TIP 7: Give Intermittent Fasting (IF) a Try
Melissa Mcallister Podcast on IF – Listen Now!
Sara Solomon Podcast on IF – Listen Now!
IF does not mean you necessarily consume less calories. It means that you consume about the same amount of calories, but in a smaller window of time. So for example, you would start eating your daily calories around 11 or 12 and would stop eating around 6 pm. IF is something you want to learn more about before you start it.
This info is all provided in a quick episode from the Chalene Show! You can listen below or download the episode directly to your phone from iTunes! While you’re over on iTunes, I’d love to hear from you. Don’t forget to leave me a message or a review!
Thank you for this! You always have the best pod casts and posts! I listen to you all the time and love it! You give me nuggets of wisdom and you share unselfishly! Thank you