Every day is an opportunity to change the tone of your attitude and the direction of your life. An overall sense of happiness starts with feeling more gratitude for the things you have… not feeling unfulfilled by the things you don’t.
Social media, television, and advertisements tell you that you need MORE to be happy; that happiness comes with the latest and greatest iPhone, or the shiniest and fastest car, or the biggest house.
We’re taught that to be happy, we must be constantly working harder and longer to have the “things” we want. Fulfillment and inner peace doesn’t come from possessions. Ask any lottery winner or millionaire. Possessions create a short term high. A quick sense of excitement, and then it wears off and your stuck in the same life.
True happiness comes from having gratitude for the things you have, and appreciating the small things in life that always get overlooked. Want to feel happier every day? Want to experience more peace? Start with gratitude.
Tips to true happiness!
- Write 3 things daily – Take 5 minutes at the beginning of every day and write down at least 3 things you are grateful for. It can be anything from a cup of coffee, to a roof over your head. This is one of the BEST ways to start your day! It creates a wave of gratitude for the rest of your day.
- Create a screensaver on your phone – The average american looks at their phone 50+ times a day, so use this to your benefit! Put a screensaver on your phone that has a powerful positive impact on you. It can be anything from a photo to an inspirational quote. Whatever image that will remind you of your blessings.
- Send a happy message to 1 person – Every day send a positive message to 1 person in your life! I like setting an alarm on my phone to remind me. Set an alarm or reminder to do this at the same time every day. The message can be anything from “was just thinking about you, sending you good vibes” to “hope you have an awesome day! good luck on your interview.” Just let someone know you’re thinking of them. Even though you are taking the time out of your day to reach out to someone, its really fulfilling to be there for someone.
- Make time for daily activity – If you have the ability to be active, please make time every day to get your heart rate up! Be grateful for the option! Even if it’s a 10 minute walk… just do something! Being physically active also produces good feeling hormones!
- Engage in personal development – Whether it’s reading a book, listening to a book on tape or a podcast, make time daily to engage in personal development. One of my favorite things to do is to listen to a podcast while I blow dry my hair!
Be a good human and make time everyday to better yourself. Be grateful for the amazing blessings you currently have! What are 3 things you are grateful for today? post them below in a comment! I will approve and reply asap! 🙂
I am grateful for having my wonderful mom down street, two healthy kids and a husband that always helps
<3 love it!
I’m grateful for my family, my strong body that allows me to push through my daily workouts, and my sweet old dog who comes to the office with me every day.
Grateful for that fact I wake up everyday to enjoy another day with my children, my husband, my parents and all my loved ones. Grateful that I took time to work to work on myself. To overcome my self hate and learn to love myself with all my imperfections. Finally I am grateful for opening my heart and my mind to allow love in my life. Now for the first time I understand what true happiness really feels like.