If you’re like me you’re using social media to boost your business, and if you aren’t, you should. Everyone is on social media so why not make your presence known and share your updates as they happen. When it comes to social media, a big challenge is creating and sharing content. In order to represent you, you need to share related information and material with your community to keep them interested and connected.
Here’s how I do it….
1. Start with your goal
First you need to look at why you’re on social media. I hope it’s to share your experience, knowledge, and business with the world. If so, that’s great, but you need to focus your posts and comments to help feed that goal. Every time you check into social media, whether it’s to read a tweet or like a post, you need to be working towards your goal. If your goal is to grow your business, your interactions need to reflect that by using social media to connect to your community. You should be looking for people who will need your help, your experience, and your advice. To fulfill your goal of growing your business, sharing your thoughts and ideas on topics will help not only establish your expert opinion in your field but will also help people find you.
2. Think strategically about your content
When it comes to creating content I know it’s a constant battle. Trying to come up with something witty, interesting, and informative on the daily is not easy, but here’s my trick to providing loads of content with only a little effort. For me, it starts with one 10-15 minute video or a 1000-2000 word blog post. I create my content and make sure it’s supporting my goal. If I want to grow my business I need to make sure the content is reflective of my business and supports my stance and view on the issue. Once I’m sure I’m representing myself the way I want, I post that to my home base, that could be your website or blog.
3. Break up the content wisely
Now that I’ve got my solid video or blog post I need to break it into pieces to fit in social media. Each platform has different requirements; like Facebook may cater towards short videos and Instagram may be more photo based. I’ll take that 10-minute video and create one-minute clips to share on Facebook, and take those one-minute clips and shrink them to 15 seconds for sharing on Instagram. Once the video is broken down I’ll share them on each platform. Be sure to share slowly over time, not all at once or else the feeds will get clogged and you’ll lose interest.
After sharing on Facebook and Instagram I might pin some video clips onto Pinterest, and then tweet about the clips on Twitter. Tweets will vary with the same message, like “try this workout”, “here’s a workout you can do at home”, etc. By breaking up the large content into smaller pieces I can feed my platforms for upwards of two weeks with just one article or video. This stabilizes your presence, furthers your brand, and drives traffic to your home site.
Love this advice! What do you use to create your videos and do you use an iPad to film?
Breaking up the content to use on other platforms is something I have not yet thought about, but it does make sense. Thanks for sharing the tips!