Meal prep is a great way to save money, lose weight, and get yourself on the road to healthy! These tips will help you master meal prep without it consuming your life.
Tip #1
Double or even triple your recipes then freeze them!
Here are some great recipes that you can double for meal prep:
If you get frisky with a crock pot and need to store a soup or stew, I like to freeze things in glass, but use what’s best for you. Freezer bags work great for anything that is liquid heavy. To defrost, leave in the fridge over night or on the counter for a few hours.
When I meal prep fresh food, I stick to a 3 day rule. So I make enough for 3 days. After that I start to get a little grossed out by it. So I only make enough for 3 days. If you want to make more, go for it! Like I said above, you can always throw in the freezer for future use.
To make meal prep even easier, check out my meal prep tools at my AMAZON Store!
Tip #2
Prep your fruits and veggies right when you get home from the store, this way when you’re ready to cook, everything is ready for you!
We use Eat Cleaner and seriously… I swear by it!!! It’s organic and safe for straight consumption; which obviously you don’t wanna do, but the point is that it’s an incredible product that cleans your fruits and vegetables, it removes the wax, and helps them last longer as well! Check it out for yourself here >>
There are certain fruits and veggies that do better when you wash them at the time of consumption. For example, pre washed mushrooms tend to turn brown. Strawberries spoil faster once washed, so wash those when you’re ready to eat them.
However, one of my favorite things to do is pre wash a bunch of fruit, then pop onto a cookie tray and freeze it! This works for bananas, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries. These come in handy when you wanna blend up a smoothie.
You can pre cut carrots, celery, onion, and peppers… which are all essential in any household that cooks. These veggies are the base for TONS of recipes!
Tip #3
Label your pre made meals with an expiration date.
Most food will last anywhere from 3 to 5 days in the fridge, excluding fish. So immediately after putting your meal into a container, use a post it note or easily removable sticker, and date your meal with the expiration date. I like to place my label with the expiration date in a place where I can see it right when I open the fridge.
Great tips, thanks.
Love love love eat cleaner. Makes a huge difference in the life of produce.
Thanks for the tips. Easy, quick ways to preplan for work!
You’re so welcome!
Love your helpful tips and recipes. Thank you for sharing . When my kids were younger had activities and I was working full time plus…..I made up 6 weeks of menus on small index cards, slipped them into a soft covered photo book. When the kids come home they knew what was for dinner. If they needed to re heat something before I got hime to be ready to head out the door again they could. It also made grocery shopping so easy too- would simply bring the book with the menus in it , knew what I needed to buy!! I absolutely need to be organized😳
Love these tips this is great Thank you!
This is great and much needed!!!