I have a question… Answer honestly: Do you absolutely LOVE your job and love your life? I know you have gratitude for all the amazing people and things in your life, but do you wake up each morning excited to do what you get to do every day? (whether you’re a stay at home mom/dad, full time employee, business owner, etc.)…Well, do you? If you had even the TINIEST bit of hesitation in shouting back “YASSSS!!!” to that question, these tips are for you! I know what it feels like not to love what you’re doing and have had several stages in my life where I had to make a change. Today, I’m sharing an easy 2-step process for how you can make one, too…so you can LOVE your job and LOVE your life!
You Don’t Have to Settle: Bust Those Excuses!
So maybe you don’t absolutely love your job, and you’ve wanted to make a change before. But are you holding yourself back?
Have you ever had one of the following thoughts?
- Options are super low, so I’ll just make the most of it.
- It’ll change if I do the same thing someplace else.
- Things will improve once I get a raise.
- A more advanced degree in this line of work is the answer!
The first time I felt this way was when I was working as a paralegal. Seriously, I kept convincing myself that it wasn’t that bad. That it’ll get better when I become an attorney.
Thoughts and excuses swirling around my head:
- But I worked for so many years.
- People would kill for this job!
- My whole life I’ve been telling people I’m going to be an attorney.
- I’ve taken the LSAT twice.
- I’m working in California.
- This is a really good law firm, though.
In time, reality set in. You know what, Chalene? There’s nobody to blame but yourself. What did I do? You know me. I like lists. Girl has got to get her thoughts out! Pen to paper. That’s my religion right there. So here’s your cue – grab a pen and piece of paper, because we’re about to get to work.
2 Step Exercise: Create the Job You LOVE
Every time I hit a stage in my life where I wasn’t loving my job, I followed this simple exercise. Keep in mind, you will most likely hit several stages in your life where you “outgrow” what you’re doing, or it changes, and you no longer feel fulfilled. Know that it’s ok to make a change! You deserve to absolutely LOVE your life!
You’ll start by making 2 Lists:
Step #1: Make a list of all the things you don’t enjoy (what needs to go).
Step #2: Make a list of all the things I love (what needs to stay and/or enter the game).
Bonus Step: Visit www.marketingimpactacademy.comand sign up for my upcoming free trainings on how you can take the next steps in creating a job you love!
*Watch the video for more specifics and examples on this exercise.
I’ve done this several times in my life, and the crazy thing is, these lists remain the same today! They carry me through. They’ve acted as my guiding principle.
You’ll use these lists as a guide to help YOU create a job you love! It doesn’t mean up and quitting your job the next day or taking a huge, overwhelming leap right away. Just start by dabbling in something new, or creating a side hustle from your passion. Start creating that opportunity that stems from your passions and the things you WANT to do. The key here is the word “START” – get over the fear holding you back from dabbling in something new and seeing where it takes you.
A Pep Talk: You CAN Do This!
TRUTH ALERT: If you don’t love what you’re doing every single day, it’s time to make a plan.
It’s not your responsibility to make the best of a mediocre situation. It’s your responsibility to create the best life. You have to get over your fear. And I’ll tell you what, nothing outside of you is going to kick yourself into gear.
You have to persist. But HOW?
My husband, Bret, is always saying: “Scared money, don’t make money.” PREACH. You see, those who worry about money all the time will always worry about money because that’s what they’re focused on.
Focus on what you CAN do, who you can touch, how you can use your passion, your energy. If you focus on even just ONE of those, you don’t have to focus on your finances. You just don’t.
If you have a scarcity mindset, THAT is what you are attracting.
If you have a mindset of abundance to begin with, it just keeps coming. God is always listening. Honestly, starting a business is easier today than ever before. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I think everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. BUT – I do think everyone is cut out to make extra income online doing something they enjoy.
And if starting a business isn’t your interest, but changing professions, careers, or positions IS… then you have to do something about it. You can’t just let fear prevent you from living the life you deserve. Can you really go another year?
People always ask, “WHERE DO I START?”
Well, repetition is the mother of all learning, right? So, I repeat: Get out a pen and piece of paper. Turn off all your distractions. Get creative. Be resourceful.
You CAN do this!!
I teach all about this concept in my Marketing Impact Academy. I have a big announcement coming soon and will be releasing all kinds of free trainings.
I’m about to share with you your next steps in making your “dream job” list a reality!
Yes! I’m ready!!!
Love this!
This was awesome. You have got me thinking about what I love. I can name what I don’t enjoy pretty easily.
This has made me think about where I am and what I realy want to be doing. It is hard to change at my age because you have your age against you when looking into new jobs.
I did enjoy the exercise. Thanks
I want to change and start doing something I love today!!
Definitely want change and have been working to break that cycle and build my dream for the past 7 months. I am ready to learn more about how to do this better !
Love love love you!! Your energy & excitement is contagious!
I watched you talk about this on Snap Chat and it really struck a chord with me! I am one of those that is not quite sure what exactly I want to do and didn’t know where to start and even though I am a HUGE lists person, I never thought to just sit down and write out what I enjoy and what I don’t. It seems so simple though. You have definitely motivated me to get off my butt and make the life I want – lists are being created. 😉
I LOVE this!! Your snaps about making lists and now this…inspiration and motivation!! Fear of change is a real thing for me, but the time has come!! Thank you!! 😊
Thank you for sharing your story! I can definitely relate! I was in a job that was monopolizing all my time and taking me away from my family and I was burning the candle at both ends. I finally had to make a pros and cons list to help me see the light, which helped me to quit and pursue my passion of being in fitness, but it didn’t pay the bills. I have learned so much valuable information from your Push book, Marketing Impact Academy and your blogs that are helping me to reach all of my goals! I love being able to pass this amazing info on to my young adults who have just graduated college to help them find their passion and reach their dreams and their ultimate goal of financial freedom!
LOVE you Chalene … since the first time I took your class in L.A. at the IDEA Convention in 2003! 🙂